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Best Ayurveda Physiotherapy Treatment in Kerala!

A healthy life with a proper diet and exercise is good, but does it always work? What will you do if you are suffering from pain?

Do many people opt for painkillers that help relieve the pain in the short run, but is it good for you in the long run?

Not actually! They provide you with a temporary solution, but they are not a cure and may also have several side effects on your body. 

So how to cure it? You might be wondering. Let me tell you that physiotherapy can do far better than you think. Here in this blog, I'll explain to you in detail about Ayurveda Physiotherapy Treatment


What is Ayurveda Physiotherapy Treatment? 


Ayurveda physiotherapy aims to decrease physical pain among individuals, increase functional capacity, and more. It involves mechanical force and movements, manual therapy, and some exercise therapy like yoga to provide a proper remedy for the impairments and increase mobility by reducing the pain. It is a very effective method of relieving pain and provides physical comfort.


What are the Physical problems suitable for Physiotherapy treatment? 


The physiotherapy unit provides a wide range of treatments for several physical issues; 

  • Back Neck and Joint Pain
  • Post-Menopausal Care
  • Flat Feet Problems
  • Cerebral Palsy & Bell Palsy
  • Posture Care
  • Agility Exercises
  • Long-term Disabilities
  • Neurological Disorders
  • Balance Training
  • Repetitive Strain Injuries
  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
  • Spinal Assessment & Stabilization
  • Musculoskeletal Problems
  • Sports Injuries
  • Post-Surgical Rehabilitation
    Hence these are some different areas suitable for physiotherapy treatment. 

What are the different branches of Physiotherapy treatment? 


Here are the different branches of Physiotherapy Treatment;

  • Exercise Therapy: Exposure Method: Physical Exercises.
  • Low-voltage Currents: Galvanisation, Electrophoresis, Amplipulse.
  • Electromagnetic Fields: Induction Therapy, Ultrasound Therapy, Microwave Therapy, Magneto Therapy, etc.
  • Sound: Ultrasound Therapy, Shock Wave Therapy.
  • Freshwater: Wet Packs, Underwater Shower – Massage, Herbal Baths, Swimming pools.
  • Heat: Paraffin Therapy, Ozokerite Therapy, Heliotherapy.
  • Pressure: Hyperbaric Therapy, Vacuum Therapy (cups).
  • Climate: Aerotherapy, Heliotherapy, Thalassotherapy.
  • Mud: Mud Therapy.
  • By bees: Apitherapy.
  • Biological energy Yin and Yang: Acupuncture, Electropuncture, Acupressure.
    Various types of massages.
  • High voltage currents: Darsonvalisation, Ultratonotherapy, Franklinisation.
  • Light: Laser Therapy, Phototherapy, Infrared, Ultraviolet or Polarized Light, etc.
  • Air: Air Baths, Aeroion Therapy, Aerosol Therapy, Cave Therapy, Halotherapy, Oxygen Therapy, etc.
  • Mineral Water: General and Local Baths, Drinking Balneotherapy.
  • Colds: General and Local Cryotherapy.
  • Ionizing: Radon Baths.
  • Herbs: Herbal baths, Herbal decoctions.
  • Leeches: Hirudotherapy.
    Hence these are the different types of Physiotherapy Treatment. 

What are the benefits of Physiotherapy Treatment? 

Here are a few benefits of the Physiotherapy treatment; 


Complete Cure:

One best things about this physiotherapy treatment is that it provides a complete cure for pain. Unlike contemporary medicines and painkillers, which provide temporary relief from that pain, they do not offer a permanent solution. Hence Physiotherapy treatment will help you to cure the pain completely.


Improves Mobility: 

Irrespective of age, many people feel pain and difficulty performing daily chores like walking, standing, sitting and more. After this physiotherapy treatment, you will feel intense relief and easily mobile from one place to another.


Provides Strength:

This physiotherapy treatment not only helps us reduce pain in any area but also provides your body with enough strength and robustness to eradicate dizziness and symptoms of vertigo in your body. 


Postpartum Care:

Many women undergo different changes in their bodies after pregnancy. They gain excess body weight that decreases their ability to perform daily chores. Hence the physiotherapy treatment helps the women to have enough stability and strength to enhance their body's capacity and strength after the treatment.


Mental Health:

Improved Mental health is another benefit you can get from this physiotherapy treatment. It will help relieve your stress and also boosts your mental health. Along with your overall health, the Physiotherapy treatment will also help you to increase your mental health. 

Hence these are some of the benefits of Ayurveda Physiotherapy treatment.

What are the best Ayurveda Physiotherapy treatments? 


Even Ayurveda provides some best alternatives for physiotherapy treatments, which are beneficial for your overall health. Some of them are here;



Udvartana is one of the best ayurvedic treatments that help treat several body issues and pain in any specific area. The process starts by applying a herbal powder to your body where you have intense pain and massaging it thoroughly to relieve it in that area. It involves the application of herbal powders to your body in the area of pain to alleviate the pain in your body.



The Udvartana treatment is beneficial for detoxification purposes.
It will also aid you in weight loss. 


Snehana, also known as Oleation therapy, is helpful in many ways. It is one of the Panchakarma treatments which has multiple benefits for your body. It involves the application of herbs, ghee and medicated oil to help your body cleanse internally and externally. The therapy is carried on between 3-7 days.


It is very much beneficial for your skin.
It also helps treat Vata disorders. 
These are the Best Ayurveda physiotherapy treatments that provide excellent results to your body and can help you treat several body issues.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs): 

What are the three primary types of physiotherapy?

Three primary types of Ayurveda are:
Geriatric Physiotherapy
Neurological Physiotherapy
Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy 


What do Physiotherapists do?

Physiotherapists massage your body using their hands to manipulate, massage and mobilize the body tissues. It helps to remove and relieve pain, improve stiffness and also allows the circulation of your blood. 


How quickly does physiotherapy work? 

A good physical therapist will help you check your progress to know if you are making any gains. It will help you to check the range of motions, function, and strength. Generally, the soft tissues will take around six to eight tissues to heal your typical physiotherapy treatment. 

I hope you find the article helpful. If you have any suggestions or queries, you can drop them here in the comment section. See you soon with the following blog. 

Thanks for reading the article till the end! 


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