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Best Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicose Veins in Kerala!

Have you ever heard of varicose veins conditions? 
Even though we undergo several physical difficulties in our lifetime, we never know the exact term of that particular health condition. 

There are many of these kinds. Similarly, one among them is Varicose veins which many people might have even faced in their life! But are still unaware of its condition. 

Varicose Veins are a condition in which the veins appear swollen and inflamed blueish or purplish. But do you know that this can even be treated with ayurveda? Surprised right? 

In this treatment, I'm going to describe some of the best Ayurvedic Treatments for Varicose Veins in Kerala! 

Read the article till the end to know more. 


What is known as Varicose-Veins?

Varicose Veins are a condition in which the veins get twisted and bulged and appear as blue blood vessels visible through the skin. It is an enlargement and tortuosity of the veins which makes the vein appear as if they are swollen. 

It is caused due to the upward flow of the blood. The changes in the valves affect the blood flow. In this case, the veins become swollen and dilated. They start with a dull ache in your leg and become more severely interfering even in your daily activities like standing, sitting, etc.

What are the risk factors for developing varicose veins?

Varicose veins are developed for the following reasons; However, here are a few reasons for the development of varicose veins. 


Age is one of the risk factors for many health conditions similar the varicose veins as well. As we age, the vein walls and valves become slow in functioning, lose their elasticity, and get stiffened. Hence it is one of the reasons for varicose veins conditions. 


Certain products may also lead you to develop varicose veins condition. People who chew tobacco or use tobacco products are more likely to develop varicose veins. 

Health issues:

Certain health issues like constipation or tumours also put pressure on the veins, which is one of the reasons for developing the varicose veins condition. 

Weight Gain:

Weight gain is one of the concerns of several health issues. Similarly, it is also one of the reasons for varicose veins. An increase in weight gain results in pressure on the veins, ultimately resulting in varicose veins condition. 


Pregnancy is also one of the risk factors for varicose veins. Many pregnant women are reported to have this varicose veins condition. The growing fetus in the uterus puts pressure on the veins in the lower abdomen, which results in the blood pooling in the leg. Hence pregnancy is also one of the risk factors for varicose veins. 

Damaged Veins:

Damaged veins are also a factor leading to varicose veins condition. If your veins are no longer stronger or if it is damaged, then you are right that you might have to suffer from the damaged vein condition.

Hence these are some risk factors for the varicose veins condition. 


What symptoms indicate that you have varicose veins condition? 

Here are a few common symptoms of the varicose veins condition;

  • If your veins appear dark purple or blue, then you are probably suffering from the varicose veins condition.
  • If you have a burning, throbbing, muscle cramping, and swelling in the lower legs, this is a varicose veins condition.
  • If you experience pain after sitting or standing for a long time, even if that is a symptom, you should be aware of it and take proper treatment.
  • Suppose you ever feel itching, bleeding, discolouration, hardening of the skin, inflammation of the skin, or ulcers near your ankles. In that case, it indicates that you are suffering from the varicose veins condition.
  • If you have swollen and twisted legs, ankles, or feet, you may have varicose veins condition.
  • If you are feeling painful and heavy legs, you may suffer from varicose veins.
  • If you have itchy legs, especially on the lower legs and ankles, even then, you might be suffering from the varicose veins condition.
  • If you ever have discoloured patches of skin around the area, you might be suffering from the varicose veins condition.

You should know these are a few common symptoms of the varicose veins condition.


Suggest a few best ayurvedic treatments for varicose veins in Kerala.


Vasti is one of the best ayurvedic treatments for varicose veins in Kerala. That provides extensive relief from pain and has numerous benefits too. It is a form of colon cleansing therapy that helps easily remove toxins from the body. It also helps detoxify the body to reduce pain, swelling, and itching due to varicose veins. The vasti treatment helps expel toxins from the body to fight problems. 

Read also: Detox Treatment in Kerala


Lepam is also the best ayurvedic treatment for Varicose Veins in Kerala. It is one of the most effective treatments to repair your damaged veins without further difficulty. Lepam refers to the application of certain herbal paste that helps relieve you from pain by enhancing blood circulation. Lepam is one of the panchakarma treatments that help relieve pain. The paste of the Lepam is usually made up of combining several herbal powders.



Abhyanga is also one of the suggested and prescribed treatments for Varicose Veins in Kerala. It is a process or a massage given to your entire body with a warm herbal oil. It will be effective not only for the varicose veins condition but also for the entire body. It is said that it will help to bring back your doshas into the balance. 

Henceforth there were a few ayurvedic treatments for varicose veins in Kerala. You can try them and get instant benefits and relief from the pain. 

I hope you find the blog on the Ayurvedic Treatment for Varicose Veins in Kerala helpful. If you have any suggestions or queries, ask them in the comment section below. Stay connected, and see you soon. 

Thank you for reading!



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