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5 Types of Pranyama and their effects on our body!

Pranayama is a practice of breathing regulation in yoga. The Pranayama consists of three main steps: inhalation, exhalation, and the retention of the breath patterns. 

But do you know that different types of Pranayama are used for specific health issues? However, Pranayama has a different approach to treating various problems. 

Doing Pranayama helps improve your breathing efficiency. It will also be beneficial for curing breathing-related diseases.

Let's see more about Pranayama here in this article. Read more.

What is Pranayama?

The word Pranayama has its Sanskrit origin. 'Pran' refers to 'life' whereas 'Ayama' refers to 'control over breath .'Hence it refers to controlling prana in your body through breathing exercises. 

The Pranayama dates back to the age of origin of both yoga and meditation. It was been introduced since then and is followed by many till now. In other words, Pranayama is a form of meditation that focuses on breathing. The health benefits of Pranayama are unlimited, and they need to be followed in the correct pattern. 

The Pranayama consists of various stages of breathing that involve Purak (inhalation through the nostrils), Kumbhak(retention), and rechaka (exhalation). Or we can also call Pranayama a breath control exercise with multiple benefits. 

What are the different types of Pranayama?

Different types of Pranayama have other impacts on our bodies. Let's see it here each. 

Dirga Pranayama:

Dirga Pranayama is a type of Pranayama that is suggested for beginners as it corrects regular breathing habits. Sit straight and comfortably, take normal breaths, and relax. 

Take a slow, deep breath and feel as it fills your abdomen, expand the chest region, and finally experience the expanding breathing region. 

Slowly exhale the air in the reverse direction when your breath is full. Just Repeat it for 10-20 minutes; it will help you relax your body and provide instant and immediate relief. 


Nadi Shodhana Pranayama:

It is another best type of Pranayama, and one of the best alternatives among all the breathing exercises. To perform, Nadi Shodhana sits in a straight position.

Now close the right nostrils with the right thumb and breathe through the left nostrils. Release the right nostrils, close the left nostrils with the left thumb, and breathe through the right nostrils.

 Repeat this for at least 10 rounds to make the yoga and the treatment beneficial. It helps in treating respiratory and cardiovascular health. It helps reduce stress and anxiety as well. 


Anuloma Viloma Pranayama:

Anuloma Viloma Pranayama the other type of pranayama. It involves the breathing of alternative nostrils through the retention of breath. Sit properly and exhale the air with both nostrils for at least four counts. 

Now close your left nostril and hold the breath count up to 16. Open your right nostril and exhale the air up to the count 8. Now follow the same procedure if you exhale through the right nostril. 
Now repeat the entire process in five steps. It will help heal your respiratory issues and improve skin, eyes, and cardiovascular system health.


Surya Bhedana Pranayama:

Surya Bhedana Pranayama is one of the pranayama types that helps awaken the kundalini shakti. Sit in a comfortable position, now close your left nostril, and hold your breath for up to 10-15 counts. 

Now release the right nostril and exhale the air through it. Now repeat the process several times for excellent and instant benefits. Doing this one before your meals will help to improve the digestion process. It helps in Vata-related issues and replenishes the oxygen in the blood, energizing the body. 


Ujjayi Pranayama:

Ujjayi Pranayama is also one of those pranayamas that you must try for your health benefits. It is one of the best Pranayama types that will help you with cooling. 

It is called the ujjayi Pranayama because it produces a similar sound to ocean waves. Steps sit in a cross-legged position, inhale the air through your mouth and the constricted throat, making a hissing sound.

Close your mouth and slowly exhale the air through your nose that helps keep your throat constricted. Repeat the process without any strain. It helps detoxify your body and helps in controlling high BP and thyroid problems. It is also essential to repair your nervous issues and disorders. 


What are the benefits of Pranayama?

The health benefits of Pranayama are incredible; Have a view of these below; 

Stress Relief:

One significant benefit of doing Pranayama is that it helps you relieve yourself from stress. It is one of the substantial stress busters that help alleviate your stress and makes you more attentive. Hence Pranayama should be practised for intense stress relief. 

Cures Hypertension:

One fantastic benefit of Pranayama is that it helps cure hypertension. Hypertension is a health condition that is caused due to multiple reasons that can be fixed only with proper guidance. Involving Pranayama in your routine can help you balance and prevent hypertension significantly. 

Good Digestion:

For good digestion, you can combine the Pranayama with belly breathing to let it activate from the diaphragm. The muscle, which is dome-shaped under the lungs and the internal organs, paves the way for a gentle massage of the lungs. Hence through this, you can gently improve your digestion levels. 

Immune Booster:

Yes! It is a fact that Pranayama is an excellent immune booster that gives a boost to the overall immune system of your body. The diaphragmatic movement also helps to stimulate the activity of lymph fluid containing the white blood cells. 

Sweetens Sleep:

This stress reliever activity will pave an excellent way to relieve you from all sorts of stress and discomfort. And this, in turn, helps provide you with a good amount of sleep. Pranayama helps reduce your all-day havoc stress and provides a peaceful sleep. 

I hope you find the blog helpful. Stay connected and see you soon with the upcoming blog.

Thank you for Reading! 


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